Warm Wishes With Manatee Gift Adoptions
Contact:, 407-539-0990
MAITLAND, FL—Adopting real Florida manatees for family and friends this holiday season is nature-inspired, thoughtful gift-giving that helps Save the Manatee Club increase efforts to protect the imperiled marine mammals and their aquatic habitat. This unique gift also lets gift-givers spark joy and appreciation among family and friends.
Last year, Sarah Young from Virginia decided to Adopt-A-Manatee® for her 14-year-old daughter Sophia. “I chose Aqua to adopt as this is my daughter’s favorite color and Aqua had just given birth to a calf at the time,” Young said.
All of the 30+ unique manatees available for adoption can be viewed on the Club’s website at Two new manatees recently added to the list of adoptees are “Millie” and “Illusion,” so you’re sure to find one that suits you or your gift recipient.
So, what sort of reaction can you expect when you give a manatee adoption for the holidays? “Sophia was ecstatic! Adopting a manatee has been one of her most favorite gifts she has ever received,” said Young.
Membership adoption levels at Save the Manatee Club start at $25 and feature a personalized adoption packet that includes an adoption certificate, a photo and life history of a real Florida manatee, and a fact-filled membership handbook. Print and e-newsletters are also sent to gift recipients throughout the year. In addition, shipping is free within the United States (call or go online for details on international shipping).
Adopt at any level, and members will also receive Save the Manatee Club’s 2020 wall calendar, featuring stunning manatee photos to enjoy at home, at work, or anywhere you want to be reminded of the gentle beauty of manatees and warm Florida water.
“Sophia has a deep love for manatees and wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up,” says Young. “Sophia thinks the Save the Manatee Club is brilliant and is exactly what this world needs to call attention to an animal that needs help. She loves to see the videos and pictures posted on the Facebook page. Manatees are her spirit animal.”
Save the Manatee Club, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, was co-founded in 1981 by singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett and Bob Graham, former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator. Funds from the holiday gift adoptions help the Club increase public awareness and education; sponsor research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release efforts; advocate for strong protection measures, such as boat speed zones and sanctuaries; and take legal action when appropriate. In addition, funds help support manatee rescue, rehabilitation, research, and education efforts in the Wider Caribbean, Central and South America, and West Africa.
Find out more information about manatees and holiday gift adoptions by contacting Save the Manatee Club at 1-800-432-JOIN (5646) or visiting their web site at where you can also sign up for the Club’s free e-newsletter. Also, discover a variety of manatee items in the Club’s gift catalog at
Save the Manatee Club, established in 1981 by the late renowned singer-songwriter, author, and entrepreneur Jimmy Buffett, along with the late former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham, is dedicated to safeguarding manatees and preserving their aquatic habitat. For more information about manatees and the Club’s efforts, visit or call 1-800-432-JOIN (5646).
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The public can keep an eye on the action from the comfort of their home via Save the Manatee® Club’s above- and underwater webcams, 24/7 at