Tabletop Manatee Craft Project

Dive into a world of creativity with our tabletop manatee craft project! These gentle giants of the sea will come to life in front of you as you transform simple materials into an underwater masterpiece. Whether you’re a craft enthusiast or a beginner, this project is designed to bring a splash of fun and inspiration to your day.
Materials Needed:
- Manatee Template, or a pencil and paper to draw your own manatees
- Gray construction paper, or any thick gray or white paper or cardboard
- Any blue paper or construction paper. Green paper will work as a substitute.
- Eraser
- Scissors
- (optional) Coloring and crafting supplies to make your project uniquely yours!
- Click the link above to download the manatee template. Save the template to your computer, then open the file and print it on gray or other colored construction paper. You can also print it on regular 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper or trace the designs onto cardboard.
- Color or decorate the manatees. Be creative!
- Cut the manatees out.
- Fold on the dotted lines.
- Arrange the manatees on top of blue paper to simulate water.
- Get creative and add seagrass, vegetation, fish, or anything else that you might find in manatee habitat!

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Manatee Sighting Blog
The river temp was 71.2°F (21.8°C). We launched the canoe at 8:05 a.m., and as we paddled across to check the river intrusion into the run, we soon observed two deer grazing on the bank. The smaller one ran off, but a large doe seemed as interested in us as we were in her. We reached the boil (spring head) at 8:25 a.m. I said, “The count is zero,” just as a manatee swam under the canoe. It was not a Save the Manatee Club adoptee, nor were the two we found waiting for us near the river when we paddled back to our starting place. So the count was one! There is a chance the manatee season was over several days ago when the longtime winter residents stopped showing up.