Educational Resources

Free Educational PDFs

View and download by clicking below or educators (including homeschools) may also request these free materials as print documents by sending their name and mailing address to

Educational Videos

Educational Q&A Videos

Learn With Manfred Manatee

Do manatees "talk?" Why do they need to stay warm? What do they eat and drink, and how are they different from dolphins? Learn the answers to these questions and more in these short, one-minute animated segments from Save the Manatee Club.

Springs Conservation in the Classroom and Beyond

This course is geared toward high school students and the general public. The program consists of seven modules, designed to inform students and promote critical thinking. The course introduces students to aquifers, springs, and springsheds, discusses their importance to the Florida water supply, and evaluates impacts from development, pollution, and groundwater pumping. The modules also serve as a primer on Florida water policy and help students develop the skills needed to participate in policy formation. The most important feature of the course is its emphasis on community advocacy. Throughout the lessons, activities encourage students to apply what they have learned to their local waterways and to communicate their discoveries with their family and friends. Through this program, we hope to not only teach the next generation of Florida’s citizens about springs issues, but to magnify our impact in the community by encouraging students to become advocates themselves.

Order Free Materials

The public awareness materials listed below can be requested by contacting Save the Manatee Club at or by calling toll free at 1-800-432-JOIN (5646) or 407-539-0990.

Get a poster showing the types of sirenians around the world. Available in 8.5" x 11 and full poster sizes, please indicate which one you would like when you reach out to us.


Save the Manatee Club has created a poster showing the types of sirenians around the world. This poster is available in 8.5" x 11" and full-poster size.

Other available posters include:
Boat Safely (11" x 17")
Buddy Manatee (11" x 17")
Adopt-A-Manatee® (11" x 17")
Manatee Anatomy (8.5" x 11")

Bookmark Sticker

Bookmarks & Stickers

Save the Manatee Club is proud to share our bookmarks and stickers with educators.
Stickers are also available in Spanish.

Manatee Facts Sheet

Manatee Facts Sheet

Save the Manatee Club has an all-encompassing 2-page fact sheet about manatees. This is a great resource for students of all ages.

Additional Classroom Learning Options

Educator Packet Contents

Adopt-a-Manatee for Your Classroom!

For a $20 annual membership fee, school classes will receive an Adopt-A-Manatee packet that includes an adoption certificate, photo, and biography of the adopted manatee, a 38-page educator’s guide, poster, and newsletters.

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Virtual Presentation Mullins 1st Grade 600

Virtual Manatee Presentations

Save the Manatee Club is now offering virtual manatee presentations for schools and other groups upon request. Each session features a visual presentation, cool manatee videos, and Q&As with experienced staff and volunteers. The presentation lasts 20-30 minutes, with time for questions, or it can be tailored to the length of time desired. Topics include manatee anatomy, animal relatives of manatees, manatee research, and manatee protection. Older students and adults can learn more about manatee conservation efforts and how they can help. Come “Meet the Florida Manatee” and learn about these unique aquatic mammals right at home.

Email our team at to schedule a presentation.

Manatee Matching Game

Most living manatees bear scars from boat collisions, and this is how researchers identify them. Click the link above to get our game and see if you can identify some real manatees. You will also need this Researcher’s Scar Sheet. See the answers and learn more about these manatees in the Game Notes.

Manatee Book List

Some of these titles may be purchased at our Manatee Store.