
Manatee Sightings Update: Moms and Calves

A nice photo of adoptee Annie and her new calf. Annie brought the calf into Blue Spring on May 13, 2021.
A nice photo of adoptee Annie and her new calf. Annie brought the calf into Blue Spring on May 13, 2021.

There were several manatee mother and calf pairs visiting Blue Spring State Park this summer that were captured on the webcam. Enjoy the photos and videos documenting the special stopovers.

Watch more videos from the manatee season on our Webcam page. Several of the manatees featured are in our Adopt-A-Manatee® program. (All SMC activities are conducted under permit # MA791721-5.)

Peek-a-Boo stopped by Blue Spring with her little calf on June 21, 2021. Peek-a-Boo is actually one of adoptee Lucille’s daughters! Recorded with our above-water webcam. (© Save the Manatee Club, 2021)
Skiper visits Blue Spring on July 21, 2021 with her calf. This is Skiper’s first calf! Recorded with our above-water webcam (©Save the Manatee Club, 2021).
Demi stopped by Blue Spring on July 22nd with her yearling calf and another youngster in tow, followed by Vali and her small calf. Fun fact about Demi: she was the focal female in a mating herd in Lake Monroe at the end of May 2019. In summer 2020 she showed up at Blue Spring State Park with the resulting calf! They came back for the winter season, and Demi has made a few appearances since then—during the summer, too. Could SMC adoptees Philip or Paddy Doyle be the father? They were both in the mating herd. (©Save the Manatee Club, 2021)
Here’s a photo of Vali and her calf from their July 22nd visit to Blue Spring with Demi and crew. This is most likely Vali’s first calf!

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