By Cora Berchem, Director of Multimedia and Manatee Research Associate
Manatee season started at Blue Spring State Park on November 6, 2023, when our research team counted 76 manatees. The rest of November stayed pretty warm until Thanksgiving, when a cold front started bringing the manatees in. You can read the daily updates from our research team on our website at, as well as on our social media channels.
Sightings Update: Blue Spring Adoptees
Manatee adoptee Moo Shoo nursing two calves in the protected warm-water sanctuary of Blue Spring on November 6, 2023.Annie was the first adoptee to arrive for the season on November 6. Our research team photographed her on November 7. Gator was next to arrive on November 7. Our researchers took this photo of him on December 1, 2023.Lily‘s first visit for the season was on November 8, 2023. She was the only adoptee present for roll call that day.Adoptee Moo Shoo’s first season visit was on November 8, although only on the webcam and not during the morning roll call! Moo Shoo has a calf this season and was seen nursing an additional calf alongside her own.Deep Dent made his first season visit on November 27. He was seen almost all the way up the spring run.There was a slight decrease in temperature on November 29, which brought in more manatees, including adoptee Rocket!Adoptee Whiskers made his first season visit on November 29, 2023.The temperature stayed cold on November 30, and our researchers were excited to see an adoptee “party!” Phyllis was one of the new arrivals that day.Howie also made his first appearance at the park on November 30 alongside several of his fellow adoptees.Una was another adoptee present at the park on November 30.
Other Blue Spring Manatee Sightings
Mothers and calves are usually the first ones to arrive at the beginning of the season. We have already seen many new calves this season! Here is a video of manatees Peek a boo and Hannah with their little ones.
Our research team was especially excited to see manatee Chloe (not an adoptee) arrive at the spring with a calf in tow. Although Chloe has been visiting the spring since 2012, this is the first time our team confirmed her with a calf! Chloe was rescued two seasons ago for a flipper entanglement, which was quickly resolved, and she was released back at Blue Spring.
A large group of manatees visited the spring on a cool day in late October.
Della and Iris (not adoptees) are also among the manatee moms this year. Their calves seem to be the exact same size, and were seen playing together in the spring at the beginning of the season.
Manatee Season at Blue Spring started in full force in late November and we have had many exciting adoptee sightings since!
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