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Guardian Guides Program

About the Program

Save the Manatee Club’s Guardian Guides Certification is a voluntary recognition and education program offered to ecotourism providers in Florida that promote stewardship of manatees and their aquatic ecosystems. The goal of the Guardian Guides Certification is to eliminate, to the greatest extent possible, disturbance to manatees from commercial manatee-viewing activities. Manatee-viewing tours can be a platform for education, appreciation, and conservation of this imperiled species. You can help foster these positive actions and prevent disturbance to manatees as a certified Guardian Guide.

Guidelines and Principles

In addition to following local, state, and federal laws that protect manatees and their aquatic habitat (such as never harassing or feeding manatees), program participants must follow these principles.

Principle #1

Prioritize education for guides and guests to create a true ecotourism experience.

Principle #2

Vary times & locations of tours and prevent overcrowding to allow manatees the ability to rest undisturbed.

Principle #3

No touching or disturbing manatees. Responsible ecotourism requires nature to remain in control of all experiences.

Principle #4

Foster Stewardship

For Tourists

Program Participants

For Companies

Become A Guardian Guide

The Guardian Guides Program is currently only certifying paddle tour operators. However, if you have a manatee ecotour business, we would still like to engage with you regarding best practices. Please feel free to contact us.

Paddling Tours
Paddling Rentals
Guest to Guide Ratio