Opinion Editorials

Above, a manatee with scars from a boat strike. The Service’s recent announcement that it believes the risks and threats to manatees are pretty well under control indicates that they’re satisfied with the status quo that leaves manatees dying of boat strikes, poisoned by red tide exposure, and facing loss of winter habitat.

No Time to Celebrate: Manatees’ Future Far from Certain

Get the inside scoop on the potential downlisting of West Indian manatees from ‘endangered’ to ‘threatened’ and the complex issues surrounding this decision.

A living manatee bears scars from a boat hit.

Higher Manatee Count Simply Means We Have More To Protect

Discover the critical crossroads facing Florida manatees and the debate over their endangered status. Will FWS prioritize their future?

Aerial photograph of the Indian River Lagoon algal bloom in September 2012. Over 100 manatees have died of a mysterious ailment in Brevard County, believed to be related to the loss of seagrass.

On Manatees, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Should Consider Cautionary Tale of the Indian River Lagoon

Unveil the complexity behind the potential reclassification of Florida manatees from ‘endangered’ to ‘threatened’ and the pressing need for a cautious approach.

Above, manatees gather at Three Sisters Springs, a warm water source, during the record cold winter of 2010, which resulted in unprecedented numbers of cold-related manatee deaths in Florida.

Manatee Review Should Consider ALL The Facts

Get information on the manatee status review and potential downlisting, with a critical look at the data and challenges facing their conservation.

We can help manatees by reducing the number of human-related causes of death and by working more diligently to protect the flow of our groundwater and surface waters and prevent pollutants from entering waters.

After Record Losses, What’s In Store For Manatees In 2014?

Explore the devastating 2013 manatee mortality record and the growing threats to these gentle giants. Take action for their conservation in 2014.

A manatee recuperates from red-tide poisoning at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida. Red tide acts as a neurotoxin in manatees, giving them seizures that can result in drowning without human intervention.

The Record You Don’t Want To Break

Uncover the alarming rise in Florida manatee deaths in 2013 and the urgent environmental challenges they represent for our waterways.

Watercraft, water control structures, marine debris, red tide, climate change, seagrass loss, and cold stress deaths are other natural or manmade factors affecting manatees’ continued existence. Above, a living manatee bears scars of a watercraft collision.

Record Deaths, Mysterious Mortality—Ongoing Threats Make Manatee Recovery Tenuous

Uncover the pivotal factors influencing the manatee ‘reclassification’ decision under the Endangered Species Act in 2012.