Opinion Editorials

A manatee bears scars from a watercraft collision

Boating Safety and Manatee Safety Are One And The Same

Florida’s manatees face an alarming increase in watercraft-related deaths. Boaters must be vigilant, responsible, and prioritize manatee protection.

The blue-green algae infesting the waters at a marina in Stuart, Florida.

Civic Disengagement Partially to Blame for Red Tides, Lost Summers

Florida faces environmental crises: red tide, algae blooms, manatee deaths. Voters need to elect leaders who prioritize the state’s natural environment.

The biggest threats manatees continue to face are the result of human impacts. Above, a manatee with scars from a watercraft collision.

Red Tide, Watercraft Strikes, and the ESA Under Attack

Human impacts imperil manatees. Red tides, boat collisions, and toxic blooms threaten these gentle giants. Take action for clean water and wildlife protection.

Free dock signs are available from the Club for Florida shoreline property owners to help alert boaters to please slow down in areas where manatees are frequently sighted.

Please Watch For Manatees

Join Save the Manatee Club in preventing manatee injuries and deaths from human activity, especially boat collisions. Get free boater resources and become an advocate for manatee and aquatic habitat conservation.

2018 Florida Legislative Session: Some Wins, Some Losses for Environment 

Florida faces environmental challenges, including fracking, water contamination, and spring protection, prompting continued activism and protection efforts.

A living manatee bears scars from a watercraft collision.

Downlisting: Don’t Leave Manatees Out in the Cold

Increased reporting of manatee boat strikes and a stronger emphasis on preserving warm water habitat are essential for manatee protection in Florida.

Still Much Work to be Done to Protect Iconic Manatees 

Manatee protection is still a vital mission. Recent threats and challenges demand continued efforts to ensure these beloved aquatic mammals survive and thrive.

A manatee with scars from a watercraft strike.

An Open Letter to Florida Boaters

Florida broke its own manatee watercraft death record in 2016, reaching 98 fatalities. Let’s seek solutions to protect these gentle creatures.

Algae-infested waters at a marina in Stuart, Florida in July.

Watercraft, Algae are Double Whammy for Manatees in 2016

Watercraft-related manatee deaths are rising in Florida in 2016. Vigilance, boater education, and clean water initiatives are essential.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wants to prematurely remove manatees from the endangered species list while the threats and risks to them and the aquatic ecosystems upon which they depend are neither controlled today nor likely to be for the foreseeable future as required by the Endangered Species Act.

Threats to Manatees and Habitat on the Rise: Help Protect Their Future

Expressing concern over the premature downlisting of manatees and the threats to aquatic ecosystems in Florida.