Sightings Update: Manatee Season Has Started at Blue Spring!
With unseasonably warm weather, the manatees spent some extra time in the St. Johns River before arriving at Blue Spring this year.

Your Giving ‘TEESday Support Moves Us One Step Closer to Our Goal
Although we didn’t reach our $45,000 Giving ‘TEESday goal, your contributions have helped us achieve so much for manatees and their habitat.

Appreciating Manatees and Our Amazing Volunteers
It’s been an action-packed Manatee Awareness Month, with SMC volunteers participating in 16 events over four weekends!

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Volunteer Mana-Team
We are continually inspired and grateful to our Volunteer Mana-team for the many hours they willingly give to support and help manatees.

International Coastal Cleanup Day: Protecting Manatees and Their Habitat
This year’s International Coastal Cleanup Day once again brought together volunteers from around the world to clean up beaches, rivers, and other waterways.

Jimmy Buffett Day: A Celebration of Music and Manatees
August 30 is Jimmy Buffett Day in Florida, celebrating the life and music of the world-renowned musician and SMC co-founder.

Manatee Sightings: October 2024
The summer manatee sightings remain unusually more frequent than normal, with at least ten new calves and their mothers stopping by the park.

2024 Manatee Art Contest: Cast Your Vote Now!
We’ve received so many wonderful submissions from a talented variety of artists! Now it’s your turn to help us choose the best in each category by voting for your favorite.