See sightings updates from Save the Manatee Club staff and partners from across the state.
Save the Manatee Club Volunteers Get Their Hands Dirty
April 1, 2023
After many requests for “hands-on” fieldwork opportunities, Save the Manatee Club volunteers completed our first-ever team fieldwork event on March 25.
Manatee Sightings Update: April 2023
April 1, 2023
It was a mild winter at Blue Spring State Park, sightings were scarce until a cold snap in mid-March brought some familiar faces back.
Remembering Lesley
April 1, 2023
Lesley’s story is an example of the incredible resiliency manatees have and the wonderful work done by the Manatee Rescue and Rehabilitation Partnership.
Let’s Talk (Manatee) Tracking!
February 1, 2023
Have you ever seen a manatee with what looks like a buoy attached to a belt around its tail? Most likely this was a manatee with a satellite tracking device!
Manatee Sightings Update: February 2023
February 1, 2023
Manatee season was off to a slow start with warmer than average temperatures, but two freezes lead to several sightings and a record 729 manatees at the park!