
A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Volunteer Mana-Team

Staff members Shelby and Gina with the Volunteer Mana-team at Dr. Jane Goodall's Hope in Action event.
Staff members Shelby and Gina with the Volunteer Mana-team at Dr. Jane Goodall's Hope in Action event.

By Gina McClain, Volunteer Specialist

As cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead famously said: 

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

This quote perfectly reflects the generosity of our volunteers. Time and again, I am touched and impressed by the generous spirit and true love for manatees (and Save the Manatee Club) that is so clearly shown at every event in which we take part. We are continually inspired and grateful to our volunteer mana-team for the many hours they willingly give to support and help manatees. 

One such recent occasion was the Hope in Action event, hosted by Dr. Jane Goodall’s Foundation and the Roots & Shoots Alliance of Tampa Bay. Held at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg during the Youth Environment Summit, we had the privilege of spending the day with stellar students, sharing ideas and manatee information. A dedicated team of our manatee supporters welcomed thousands of ticket holders, offering educational resources and promotional items to help raise awareness. The day was capped off with the mana-team attending the inspiring presentation, An Evening with Jane Goodall

It was the BEST day on all levels: we spoke with hundreds of students, raised over $1,500, and found ourselves in the presence of one of history’s most influential advocates for animals. 

With World Teacher’s Day being celebrated on October 5, I’d also like to express gratitude to the educators who dedicate their time to support our mission. In addition to those who volunteer, there are many teachers who include manatee conservation in their curriculum. We offer virtual and in-person presentations, along with educational materials, to support these efforts. To schedule a presentation, please email us at We celebrate teachers every day as they serve as a vital link between our planet and the future leaders who will champion its preservation. 

With the fall and winter months approaching (and Manatee Season!), excitement is building among our staff and volunteers as we prepare to attend more events and extend our outreach! Thanks to the support of our Lead Volunteers, we can attend multiple events across the state on the same dates. 

With many opportunities available, I encourage you to check out the full list on our Events Calendar.  

For those of you reading this who are not already part of our volunteer mana-team, we welcome you to join us by signing up at Volunteer! You will then receive the monthly opportunities email.  

As always, I want to thank everyone for their unwavering support and kindness to both SMC and manatees! Save the Manatee Club is dependent upon YOU and your willingness to donate your time to attend festivals, events, and cleanups. All of us at SMC are incredibly grateful for each of our fabulous volunteer mana-team members! 

If you are a lapsed volunteer or are unsure of your status, please reach out to me via email. 

Please protect your skin, stay hydrated, and I will be in touch soon with more opportunities as we head into 2025! 

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